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    Financial Literacy: Basic Financial Concepts and Terms

  • izvajalec

    Senior Lecturer mag. Sabina Taškar Beloglavec

  • institucija

    Univerza v Mariboru

  • izvajalec

    Senior Lecturer mag. Sabina Taškar Beloglavec

  • trajanje

    90 minut

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    Financial literacy is essentially about an individual's ability to manage money. Recently, financial literacy has been measured at different levels (among young people, the older population) and by different organisations (e.g. OECD, PISA surveys). This shows the increasing importance of knowing basic financial concepts and the potential consequences of one's decisions that have financial implications.
  • točke


  • namenjeno

    zaposlenimštudentomzaposlenim in študentom + zunanjim udeležencem

  • organizator

    Oddelek za izobraževanje in študij (Maruša Fabčič)

  • Datum: 16.04.2024

  • Ura: 17:00

  • Rok prijave: 15.04.2024

  • Prostor: MS Teams

  • Naslov:

  • 61 prostih mest od 80


Financial literacy is receiving increasing attention. It is included in the project to redesign the curricula for primary and secondary schools in Slovenia, where it is addressed within entrepreneurship in the broadest sense of the term. Together with digital and sustainability competences, this means redesigning the curricula and empowering young people in this area throughout the entire education vertical. In particular, knowledge in this area is also important in view of the fact that the consequences of a financial decision can be seen in the long term, and the most common instrument used by individuals and households is a loan – most often a long-term “commitment” with a bank, which, if not properly planned, can have enormous negative consequences both in monetary and personal terms. It is therefore important to know the basics of personal finance, the underlying risks and investment alternatives, so that we can then seek detailed information from financial institutions or professionals. To survive in turbulent times, financial literacy is one of the basic tools of survival.


The participants will: 
  • Learn about the concept of financial literacy and its importance
  • Learn about the concept of finance and types of finance, especially personal finance
  • Learn about basic concepts related to finance (types of finance, time value of money, risk and return)
  • Learn the basic concepts related to personal finance (basic financial instruments – share, bond, loan, deposit, investment alternatives, effective yield, nominal yield, real yield, etc.)
  • Understand the importance of financial literacy as one of the key areas of literacy
  • Understand the potential negative consequences of financial illiteracy and financial exclusion
  • Learn about green financial literacy and understand its importance


Sabina Taškar Beloglavec is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Maribor. Her primary research interests are in banking, and more recently in sustainable reporting in financial institutions and green finance. Her research interests also include the accountability and credibility of financial institutions, banks and central banks, and central bank digital currencies.


  • The event will be held remotely using Microsoft Teams. For a better user experience, please pre-install Microsoft Teams on your electronic device.
  • IMPORTANT: Registered participants will receive a reminder with a link to the event on the day of the event from the email address: edustudy@um.si.
  • A confirmation of attendance will be available in your e-portfolio.
  • If you are joining the meeting without using a digital identity, please write your first and last name when joining.
  • The event will be conducted in the English language. Translation will not be provided, but you can enable English subtitles during the meeting (More > Turn on live captions).
  • The event organiser does not allow the recording and publication of video, audio, or a transcript of the event.